laroot-world The Syrian Shrooms - laroot-world
Our delivery is paused for the summer. Our next scheduled delivery date will be September 2nd, 2024.

A closeup of a plate with stuffed portobello mushrooms on a tablecloth for upcoming menu provided by Laroot World, an organic, local, gluten free New York City flexitarian, pescatarian, carnitarian, vegan, and vegetarian meal delivery service

The Syrian Shrooms

The Syrian Shrooms

Syria’s tradition of stuffed vegetables, or mahshi, goes back to its early days as a stronghold of the Ottoman Empire. Laroot’s recipe swaps out the usual container vegetables of zucchini and bell peppers with thick portobello-mushroom caps, rich in metabolism-boosting riboflavin and antioxidant selenium. They’re packed with a tangy, garlicky blend of shallot, leek, feta, and quinoa, a fiber-rich, grain-free alternative to rice.

The Syrian Shrooms