Table Talk with our medical advisor, Molly Knauer
1. Tell us a little bit about yourself, what’s your background and how did your home culture form your relationship with food?
This tells a lot about me: https://www.mollys-best.com/meet-molly
2. What’s your favorite food memory? Any traditions that stand out?
Thanksgiving growing up stands out to me- as I got older and started helping/taking over the cooking I began my love of cooking for others.
3. As a registered dietitian, how do you view the relationship between a balanced diet and overall health?
A balanced diet is synonymous with overall health. There is no way to achieve overall health without nourishing your body with the right foods
4. Could you explain how evidence-based nutrition principles guide your recommendations to clients seeking a balanced dietary approach?
Food philosophy here.
5. In your professional opinion, how does a well-rounded meal delivery plan, like the one offered by Laroot World, contribute to promoting overall health and balanced nutrition?
It makes it easy and convenient for the busy person to nourish themselves without taking too much time to prep and cook. So many people have every intention of making better food choices but lack of time or meal prep skills get in their way. A meal delivery service like Laroot takes that challenge out.
6. Can you discuss how Laroot World meal delivery service complements the individualized dietary needs of your clients, including those with specific health conditions or preferences?
Laroot meets so many dietary preferences as it is all gluten free and can be tailored to specific preferences. There is no need to worry about unwanted ingredients/additives/fillers which gives me and clients peace of mind. I love how it can be tailored to meet dietary needs.
7. How does the convenience and simplicity of a meal delivery plan support clients in adopting and sustaining a balanced diet within their busy lifestyles?
Any change in diet can be successful short term but maintaining the changes is where people struggle. Making a healthy lifestyle as easy and convenient as possible is key for maintenance and seeing real results
8. Laroot World emphasizes cultural diversity in its menu offerings. How do you believe this resonates with your philosophy of embracing cultural dietary traditions and preferences?
The cultural diversity keeps the menus fresh and exciting. Allowing clients to try new flavors and dishes weekly keeps them from getting bored and reverting back to old habits.
9. Based on your expertise, why would you recommend Laroot World meal delivery plan to your clients as a viable and practical way to achieve and maintain a balanced diet?
10. As a future mother yourself, what are your thoughts on postnatal nutrition?
This is such a crucial time to nourish yourself well and sadly gets little to no attention for many women. It is a time that all focus is diverted to the baby when the mother’s healing and nourishment is so important. Nourishing with warming, nutrient dense foods is key to healing and also for those who choose to nurse.

11. Why is Laroot a good option for new mothers?
Because there is even less time than usual for meal prepping and you are hungrier than ever! Rather than turning to take out and less than optimal snacking, Laroot offers the nourishment of a home cooked meal without the inconvenience.
12. Tell us about the Motherhood Method, what drove you to create it?
Like Laroot, I found a gap in the market. I couldn’t find a hub that offered women one place to get all the wellness information they need during their conceiving years. From those trying to conceive through postpartum, we offer women a safe place they can trust for finding ways to move and nourish their body at every stage. We also provide interviews with specialists in the pre and postnatal field for every topic from sleep training, labor, delivery, mental health and more as I felt I lacked the resources to find this information easily as a new mother. We hope to empower and support women throughout their motherhood journey.